Home Business Protecting Your Business from Digital Threats: A Simple Guide

Protecting Your Business from Digital Threats: A Simple Guide

Protecting Your Business from Digital Threats: A Simple Guide

Servers are the main computers that store important business information and keep everything running for a company. Unfortunately, they can also be targets for hackers trying to steal data or cause problems. According to the experts over at Hillstone Networks, server protection should be a top priority to stay safe in today’s digital world. 

Putting Simple Safeguards in Place  

The first steps are putting basic safeguards in place for all devices and the network. Things like:  

  • Strong login passwords – Require longer passwords with random characters that employees change regularly. Consider using programs that store passwords securely. 
  • Two-step verification – Enable extra login checks like sending a code to a phone when signing into key accounts.
  • Software updates – Always keep operating systems, programs, and hardware up to date to fix holes that could allow hacker attacks. Turn on automatic updates if possible. 
  • Anti-virus programs – Install highly rated anti-virus software on all employee computers and run frequent scans to catch malware. 
  • Firewalls – Use business-grade firewalls to monitor and filter network traffic. Block unnecessary access routes that could let hackers sneak in. 

Protecting Your Servers

Since servers store important information and run key systems, they need extra defenses like:

  • Remove extras – Uninstall unneeded programs or services to limit entry points. Only keep required software running to reduce vulnerabilities. 
  • Isolate servers – Use virtual private networks and access rules to isolate servers from general employee web browsing and email traffic. 
  • Encrypt data – Implement encrypted modes like Secure Socket Layer (SSL) for any admin computer access or transmitting of sensitive information. This disguises data so it’s meaningless if intercepted.
  • Monitor closely – Get alerts about unexpected login attempts, weird software behavior, or suspicious activity so your IT team can investigate. 
  • Apply patches – Track security updates for server software closely and apply fixes quickly to close holes. Test patches first, if possible.  
  • Backup regularly – Keep recent backups of critical business information and server settings in case malware damages files or data is lost. 

Using Advanced Tools  

For bigger or highly regulated businesses, extra tools should also be used:   

  • Intrusion monitoring – Special monitoring software checks network traffic patterns to spot potential hacker attacks. More advanced programs can also automatically block suspected threats.
  • Web application firewall – This specialized firewall filters all web traffic to public business sites, preventing common website attacks.  
  • Data loss prevention – These systems detect when someone appears to be improperly sending sensitive files or data outside the business. They can block information leaks before data gets stolen. 
  • Security log analysis – Solutions that gather and inspect activity records from across different systems can uncover multi-stage cyberattacks that might otherwise go unnoticed. 

Choosing Reasonable Defenses

The best cyber protections for any given business depends greatly on its size, industry, type of data handled, and legal requirements. Assessing possible business risks from cyberattacks can determine where money and effort are best spent. 

In the end, server security should be part of every business’ overall cyber defense plan nowadays. Neglecting server protections can let hackers deeply damage a company. Following security guidelines proportional to a business’ size and data risks helps reduce threats. 


From small startups to big corporations, digital technology powers companies but also brings risks. While cyber threats cannot ever be totally eliminated, taking deliberate steps to strengthen defenses avoids leaving obvious holes for attackers to use. Laws also make some businesses prove they are properly securing servers with sensitive customer information. Using secure passwords, software updates, firewalls, access limits, data encryption, activity audits, and advanced monitoring tools can help companies stay safer against constantly adapting digital threats. Investing to protect servers provides long-term benefits for any business.